第206章 月之影
利佳薇站在舞台中央,演唱的是这首《moonlight shadow》:“
the trees that whisper in the evening夜晚树林低语
Carried away by a moonlight shadow 沉浸在月影中
sing a song of sorrow and grieving唱着哀伤苦恼之歌
Carried away by a moonlight shadow沉浸在月影中
All she saw was a silhouette of a gun她只目睹那把枪的轮廓
far away on the other side.就在河远远的另一岸
he was shot six times by a man on the run一个男人在逃跑中对他连开了六枪
And she couldn't find how to push through而她不知如何是好
然后李子淳站在舞台中央,在无数集中的聚光灯下用女声唱起了这首《someone like you》:“
never mind, i'll find someone like you算了算了,我会找一个像你的他
i wish nothing but the best for you, too我对你我除了祝愿,别无他意
don't fcom
et me, i beg, i remember you said不要忘记我,我恳求你,我记得你说过
sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead有时候爱情一直美满,但有时却如此疼痛
starry, starry night 繁星点点的夜里
paint your palette blue and gray画出你调色盘里的蓝与灰
look out on a summer's day在夏日里出外探访
with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.用你那洞悉我灵魂幽暗处的双眼
shadows on the hills山丘上的阴影